Microblading is a manual, semi-permanent solution to gorgeous eyebrows. The technique is intended for anyone over the age of 18 who wants to correct the aesthetic problems of their eyebrows.
How does microblading work?
During the Microblading treatment the new brow shape outline is being penciled on, and then the pigment is being manually implanted into the epidermis skin layer with styled strokes giving the appearance of natural eyebrow hair. The procedure is customized to the clients from beginning to end including shape, style, and color.​
Before Your Treatment
Before each treatment, the skin should not be burnt, nor in recovery or regeneration process.
The following treatments are not recommended 30 days before microblading:
Botox and fillers
Fruit or lactic acids (including Retinol/Retin-A or other anti-aging/acne cream, or serums containing acids as these will fade brows prematurely)
Laser treatments
Chemical peels
Exposure to strong sunlight.
Blood-thinning medications (such as aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, or ibuprofen) 48 hours before procedure
Heavy workout or sweating the day of the procedure
After Treatment
The entire healing process takes from 4-6 weeks depending on the person’s body regeneration and age. The new eyebrows go through several phases during the healing cycle. The eyebrows may look very dark during the first 5-7 days. 7 days later the inserted pigment loses up to 40% of its intensity and starts to fade away naturally. The eyebrows may also peel off. 4 weeks later the strokes come back again. Typically around 10-15% of strokes are being lost after the first treatment. For this reason, most of the customers need a touchup 4-6 weeks after the treatment.
Pigment retention depends on the skin's oiliness. The oilier the skin is the shorter pigment retention is.
Post-treatment care makes 70% of total treatment success. Therefore, for better results, the clients must strictly follow the steps below:
DAY 1: Wash brows gently with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap (cataphile prefer) every hour, pat dry and apply thin layer of Skin Candy or Vaseline
This helps to remove the excess lymph and prevents formation of scabs
DAY 2: Do the same like day 1 but only 2-3 times
DAY 3 TO DAY 10: No more washing. Apply Skin Candy/Vaseline 2-3 times a day if dry or normal skin. Those who have oily skin should apply Skin Candy/Vaseline 1-2 times only.
During this phase of healing the lymph will not be coming out any longer. The eyebrows should stay as dry as possible. When taking a shower, apply a layer of Skin Candy /Vaseline and wash your head at the very last end of the shower trying to avoid water (especially hot water) on the treated areas as much as possible.
The treated areas must be kept clean, and only freshly cleaned hands should touch the areas to avoid infections.